Find and book the cheapest flights anywhere! Use our Skyscanner widget to explore routes and destinations from Liverpool. They compare hundreds of airlines and include both direct and indirect flights to bring you the best price.
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Our pick of popular destinations from Liverpool Airport.
Before you book your flight, make sure you check the costs of taking hold luggage on board. Some airlines charge astronomical prices to put a bag in the hold. Similarly, check their hand luggage restrictions as these can also catch you out.
If you or someone else makes a mistake and puts the wrong name on your ticket, some of the costs to amend this are sky-high. In fact, in some cases it was more expensive to change the name on the ticket than it was to change the actual name by deed poll. So double and triple check those fields before you click buy.
If you're looking at flights for someone who is under the age of 16, you may find that there is an additional charge if they are flying alone. Different airlines class different ages as an adult. Some will have an accompanying service you can pay for, and others won't allow them to fly at all.